Melisa Yıldırım (tr)

Vuotalo's Etnosoi! concert evening will be opened by the Turkish kamancha master and improvisation artist Melisa Yıldırım at 6 pm.

A spiked fiddle solo set full of rich melodies, improvisations with Anatolian music microtones and experimentation in hypnotic timbre! Award-winning artist Melisa Yıldırım brings the mystical and authentic melodies of the kamancha to the Etnosoi! audience. Melisa Yıldırım is working with various professional artists around the world and she composes music close to traditional Anatolian music forms. Her styles and influences range from Spiritual music to Anatolian folk, as well as Persian genres and contemporary world music.

The concert is produced by the Global Music Centre and Vuotalo.

The evening continues with the concert of Puoro Jerome & Ruiha Turner (NZ).