We are happy to welcome everyone to our symposium with the theme “Women – Music – Futures” that will take place at the University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland) on March 9th and 10th 2023, with a pre-symposium concert on March 8th, International Women’s Day, at Caisa Cultural Centre.
The symposium keynotes speakers include Pirkko Moisala, Tan Sooi Beng, and participants of the keynote roundtable on the symposium theme: Anja Brunner, Minnakaisa Kuivalainen, Iva Nenić, and Nina Öhman (chair).
The pre-symposium concert has the theme “Kantele around the World” and celebrates the creativity of women musicians with performances by Rauma, Zäpämmät and Pelkkä Poutanen.
Visit the symposium website https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/women-music-futures for the symposium program, more information on the symposium theme, keynote speakers and concert performers. For further information, contact: futures2023 [at] helsinki.fi (futures2023[at]helsinki[dot]fi)
The registration for the symposium is open until 1 March 2023. The registration fee is 60 eur (incl. lunch and coffee), with 50% discount for students up to master’s degree. Tickets to the pre-symposium concert can be purchased at a discounted price (10 €) when paid together with the registration fee.
Direct link to registration form: https://onlinepayments.it.helsinki.fi/product/women-music-futures/
On behalf of the organizing team,
Elina Seye
FT, dosentti, tutkija, Helsingin yliopisto
PhD, Title of Docent (Habilitation), researcher, University of Helsinki
Suomen etnomusikologinen seura ry:n puheenjohtaja
Chairperson of the Finnish Society for Ethnomusicology, National Committee of the ICTM
Puh. / Tel./Whatsapp +358-40-5063905