Sonic Poems from an Unknown Land was recorded outside, amongst the forest and shorelines of an island off the coast of Finland. The recording was captured during the longest day of the year, at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, in June 2020. The month of June in Finland is a time when daylight slowly shifts, changes, and never quite disappears, creating the sensation of endless light and a feeling of timelessness. We began our journey at 10pm on mid-summer's even playing in different locations and exploring the sonic landscape throughout the night, until we were finally overcome by sleep at 9am the next day. The music grows from seeds of inspiration found in the natural sounds around us that night, and the beauty of the Finnish landscape.
Adriano Adewale, berimbau, calabash, percussion, vocal, water, earth
Nathan Riki Thomson, double bass, prepared double bass, Wagogo flute, Maori Kōauau flutes, self-made flutes
Mikko H. Haapoja, field recordings