Itkuja ja muita lauluja Karjalasta
Esittäjät Ljubov Aljokina, Valentina Jevsejeva, Akulina Rodionova, Anni Semukova, Galina Vasiljeva ja Pit'k Randaane -kuoro
Itkuja, ortodoksirukouksia (molitvoja) ja kansanlauluja Karjalasta
Taustatutkimus ja kenttä-äänitykset: tutkija, säveltäjä Ilpo Saastamoinen ja musiikin äänittäjä Kari Hakala.
Analyysit: tutkijat Eila Stepanova, PhD ja Frog, PhD sekä muusikko, säveltäjä Liisa Matveinen.
Julkaisu on englanninkielinen, itkut ja laulut litteroitu alkuperäiskielillä.
ISRC FI-GMC-16-00100 - FI-GMC-16-00115
32-sivuinen kirja pdf-formaatissa, 16 laulua wav- sekä mp3-formaatissa.
'Karelia is a territory situated on both sides of the Finnish–Russian border. It extends from the Gulf of Finland to the White Sea. This large area is now populated by multiple ethnic groups, including Finns, Russians, Ukranians and Karelians. Until around the 1930s, the majority population was Karelian, with their own distinctive language, culture and ethnic identity. The Karelians are a Finnic linguistic-cultural group. Their language is closely related to that of the Finns, Izhorians and Vepsians, and more distantly to Estonians, Votes and Setos. Today, however, Karelians have been largely assimilated to Russian or Finnish cultures. They are now a minority in the Republic of Karelia of the Russian Federation and the same is true in Finland.
Karelians, among other Finnic peoples, have rich and widely known singing traditions and oral poetry including a wide range of genres. Laments are among the most profound, distinctive and perhaps the most ancient of these genres. Of course, the most well known is the Kalevala, the great national epic compiled and composed during the 19th century by Elias Lönnrot on the basis of especially epics, magical charms and lyric poetry. The women’s poetry and the performance of lament were left in the shadow of Lönnrot’s epic and the collection of poetry that surrounded it. Lament poetry is only reaching its full appreciation in the modern world today.'
Eila Stepanovan ja Frogin analyysitekstistä.
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